Uzbekistan Airways air tickets from Tashkent to Moscow

17 159 ₽
22 136 ₽
20 708 ₽
18 341 ₽
18 902 ₽
16 277 ₽
14 971 ₽
17 858 ₽
15 962 ₽
16 687 ₽
19 036 ₽
12 133 ₽
The average monthly airfare for 2023 according to Uzairways Online. Prices are for reference only and are not a public offer.

General information

Distance between the cities 2766 kilometer

Flight duration - 4 hours 10 minutes

Low prices for airline tickets to Tashkent — Moscow with Uzbekistan Airways

Need Tashkent — Moscow air tickets? You can get them on at affordable rates for regular flights. We make only best offers for national and international flights. We sell air tickets directly from the Uzbekistan Airways with no extra charges and other commissions. Our services let you quickly and conveniently have best option for your flights. One of the most comfortable ways to get your destinations is direct flights. Tashkent — Moscow direct flights provides you with the highest comfort and save your time. One of the priority to opt air tickets is its rate. We offer you affordable rates for Tashkent — Moscow air tickets to make your trip lower cost. Analyze options and have your best. Our website is your air ticket at the lowest rates. We are regularly monitoring rates and offer you best ones. Now your trip is inexpensive but convenient.

Flight schedule Tashkent  — Moscow

Airline Вылет Days Flight number Тип рейса Departure airport Arrival airport Departure time Tickets
 HY  29.04.2024 Mo 9613 Low Cost Tashkent (TAS) Moscow (VKO) 05:30 Set date
 HY  01.05.2024 We 9813 Low Cost Tashkent (TAS) Moscow (VKO) 18:15 Set date
 HY  02.05.2024 Th 9613 Low Cost Tashkent (TAS) Moscow (VKO) 05:10 Set date
 HY  05.05.2024 Su 9613 Low Cost Tashkent (TAS) Moscow (VKO) 05:40 Set date
 HY  29.04.2024 Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su 603 Регулярный Tashkent (TAS) Moscow (DME) 08:05 Set date
 HY  29.04.2024 Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su 601 Регулярный Tashkent (TAS) Moscow (DME) 19:20 Set date
 HY  29.04.2024 Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su 611 Регулярный Tashkent (TAS) Moscow (VKO) 05:15 Set date
 HY  29.04.2024 Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su 613 Регулярный Tashkent (TAS) Moscow (VKO) 17:00 Set date
Looking for the next flight ?
Prices are for reference only. They are not a public offer.

For your convenience on our website you can see Tashkent — Moscow current schedules. Our regular flights furnish you flexible options and ultimate convenience. Tashkent — Moscow rates depend upon dates of flights, service class and booking time. Early air tickets are lower cost. To know actual details of flights, please, use our convenient search. You can analyze options for various dates and opt your best. This is favourable way to buy Tashkent — Moscow air tickets. Rates fluctuate and it is best time to book your flights! We give you excellent search and options of your air tickets. Book your flights and receive them on your email. Nowadays your trip is more convenient. On our website you find out all necessary information on Tashkent — Moscow air tickets, their rates and service conditions. Also we serve you through all your trip. Contact us for more information.

Popular flights to destinations Tashkent and Moscow with Uzbekistan Airways

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