How can I find the lowest fare?

In order to find the lowest cost of your flight, we offer several search options:

  • As a rule, airlines are interested in passengers, just like a passenger on a flight, it is for this purpose that airlines make special offers on flights, which help to significantly save on the cost of an air ticket, therefore, we first of all recommend that you start your search by reading the section our website  Special offers , where we can conveniently place all existing airline ticket sales
  • Often you can save on a flight by using a connecting flight, as a rule, this option is 30% cheaper than a direct flight, but remember that you spend much more time on a trip than with a direct connection
  • For the “ Round Trip ” flight option, most airlines offer up to 15% discount on flights, while the airline selects the most convenient connecting flights in time, which in aggregate may be more expensive than the flight options selected by individual queries, in this case we recommend to make separate search queries only " one way "
  • For example: you want to take a flight St. Petersburg - Moscow - St. Petersburg, first try to dial the route " There and back ": St. Petersburg - Moscow - St. Petersburg. Determine a comfortable price for yourself, and then try to make new separate requests " One way ": St. Petersburg - Moscow and " One way ": Moscow - St. Petersburg , after which you can get the total cost of individual flights much more profitable than choosing " Round trip "
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