Uzbekistan Airways: baggage-free fare from March 28

On HY flights, from March 28, 2021, a bagless tariff was introduced, which is still available on regular flights from Tashkent (for example, to Minsk and Tbilisi), and is not yet open on export flights from Russia.

On our website, in the search results, the display of bagless transportation looks like this:

Baggage free fare


You can change the baggage-free fare  (1)  for the baggage fare by clicking the "Change tariff" button  (2) .

After clicking the "Change tariff" button in the window that opens, you need to choose instead of the no-baggage tariff  (3)  the tariff with baggage  (4)  and agree to the surcharge:

Change tariff


How to check which tariff is selected in the order: on the Order page, click on the button "Cost details", in the tariff code the non-luggage tariff is indicated by the letters "NB"  (5) :

Fare check
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