More flights to from Uzbekistan to Istanbul

Regular flights from Urgench-Istanbul-Urgench are being restored:

From July 4 to Sundays


Urgench-Istanbul-from 20,160 rubles.

Urgench-Istanbul-Urgench — from 29 500 rubles.

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The frequency of regular flights on the Samarkand — Istanbul — Samarkand route is increasing

3 times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays


Samarkand - Istanbul-from 20,156 rubles.

Samarkand— nbsp; - Istanbul  - Samarkand  - from 29 500 rubles.

Pick up tickets


We draw your attention to the new requirements for arriving in the Republic of Turkey:

  • Mandatory PCR test, made no earlier than 48 hours before arrival, and the result must be in English
  • A certificate of a negative test result can be either printed or electronic. At the same time, the presence of a QR code and the original seal of the laboratory is mandatory
  • Upon entering the country, you may be asked to undergo a repeated PCR test. If the test results are positive, the treatment will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the Turkish Ministry of Health, the people in contact with the patient will be quarantined for 14 days at the addresses indicated by them
  • Tourists who have been vaccinated or have suffered from COVID-19 disease do not need to undergo PCR testing. But a certificate from a medical institution is mandatory
  • Children under 6 years old will be allowed into the country without a test
  • 72 hours before the trip, you must fill out a form with information about tourists on the website and get a HEX-code, which may be required to present when visiting public places
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